"This new [home storage] program is within everyone's grasp. The first step is to begin. The second is to continue. It doesn't matter how fast we get there so much as that we begin and continue according to our abilities." --Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop, in "Family Home Storage," A New Message," Ensign, March 2009, 60.
“As we do our very best, we can be confident that ‘the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail.’ We shall enjoy greater wisdom, security, peace of mind, and personal well-being. We shall be prepared, and because we are prepared, we ‘shall not fear’” (Bishop McMullin, “Lay Up In Store”, General Conference, April 2007).
"If ye...keep my commandments and do them then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase...ye shall eat your bread to the full...and I will give you peace...and ye shall eat old store and bring forth the old because of the new" (Lev. 26:4-6, 10).
"We want you to be ready with our personal storehouse filled with at least a year's supply. You don't argue why it cannot be done, you just plan to organize and get it done." Spencer W. Kimball, Aug. 1976.
"Now you ask where do I get the money for these things. I agree I need them, but I'm having a hard time making ends meet. Here is how you do it: Use one or more of the following suggestions: Food Storage Christmas: Use 25-50% of money for food storage, New Clothes: Don't buy instead make it last a few more months, use that money for food storage, Vacation/ Holiday: no vacation or holiday until food storage is complete, Recreation: Cut by 50% use money for food storage, find fun, free things to make lasting memories, Snowmobiles/campers/boats: sell or trade to get a year's supply, Change Diet: eat cheaper foods and use extra money for food storage. The Lord will make it possible, if we make a firm commitment, for every LDS family to have a year's supply of food reserves ... All we have to do is to decide, commit to do it, and then keep the commitment. Miracles will take place: the way will be opened and we will have our storage areas filled. I believe it is time, and perhaps with some urgency, to review the counsel we have received dealing with our personal and family preparedness. ... With events in the world today, it must be considered with all seriousness. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying but the instability in the world today makes it imperative that we heed this counsel and prepare for the future." L. Tom Perry, Ensign Nov. 1995.
"Keep your eye on the Propeht. Being self-reliant has always been part of the church. Statistics show that no matter what the Church does, no higher than 15% have storage. We are not going to say any more, but our people are going to need to be prepared...The office of the presiding bishopric has tried to come up with a plan, but we don't know what we could do. The responsibility lies with the head of each family" (Presiding Bishop H. David Burton, Sept. 1, 2006 South Jordan UT Leadership Meeting--official record does not exist, notes from an attendee).
"According to the USDA global food projections for 2008, there was only a 2.6 percent margin between production and consumption of food last year. This means the world food supply is very vulnerable going forward. Also, in 2008 the last of the US goverment owned grain was sold. The United States Government no longer has a supply of food in case of emergency...Can the church feed us all? During the 1980 recession Bishop Victor L. Brown told us, 'Within the last twelve months, the distribution of fast offerings and commodities by the bishops has been alarming. At the present rate of demand, the Church resources will be almost expended in a short time...It would appear that in altogether oo many cases the teachings about preparedness have been either misunderstood or knowingly rejected Many of our members appear to feel that when difficulty comes, the Church will come to their aid, even when they could have prepared themselves had their priorities been appropriate...the welfare program rests on the basic principle of personal and family preparedness, not on Church preparedness.'" (It Becometh Every Man to Warn His Neighbor, Christopher M. Parrett, http://www.ldsavow.com/, see article for references).