Food Storage, Month 6 (September)
month the goal is to acquire and store 1 week of water . The common
consensus no matter what authority you consult (church, civic,
humanitarian, etc.) is that it is critical to have a two week supply of
water, which consists of 1 gallon of water per person per day. Make
sure your water supply is in a low area, so that if it should leak, it
won't ruin what is under it. You can either buy smaller containers of
water and rotate through them, or you can buy a large, food-safe barrel
to store tap water and rotate that water every 6 to 12 months.
Emergency Essentials has some of the best prices for barrels
though I'm sure there are other great deals out there (again, not
endorsing this company). The prices get better if you buy several at a
time - group order anyone? provides information on storing and treating drinking water.
Browse both the "Water" and "Managing Water" options in the left-hand
column. There's also a page for water storage and treatment on the
Church's You'll cover water purification techniques in January.
*Buy or order storage for 1 week’s worth of water per person (7 gallons per person)
to visit the cannery again in two months (November) - notify the
cannery if you plan to order 8 or more of any one item so they can have
it in stock
*For 3-month storage: Keep track of everything you eat this month
*For 3-month storage: Keep track of everything you eat this month
*Save $11 per person for your year’s food storage supply