Friday, December 6, 2013

Financial Preparedness, Month 5 (Dec 2013)

Happy Holidays!  This month's goals are less time-consuming so you can spend more time enjoying the holidays.
Incorporate savings into your budget this month by completing Steps 6 and 7 (under “Build a Reserve”) in The Family Finance Workshop booklet. Start saving any amount - you'll see it add up over time (as you're seeing just $11 per month do in this preparedness plan!).

You will also visit the cannery this month and get two months of food storage per person.  Your ward specialist may have organized a ward cannery trip to save on money and canning time. You are now 5/6th of the way toward your goal of having a year supply of food!
*Compete Steps 6 and 7 in The Family Finance Workshop
*Save $11 per person for your year’s food storage supply (use this trip)
*Visit the cannery and get 2 months worth of food storage